在高三那年,我對大學申請過程完全沒有準備,也不知道應該做些什麼或需要準備哪些材料。大約在高三開始前的8月份,我和父母第一次聯繫了John。他非常迅速地幫我制定了一份大學名單,並幫助我確定了自己想要追求的主修科目。在完成大學名單之後,John幫助我撰寫個人陳述(Personal Statement)以及每所大學的補充文章,同時也協助我修改語法錯誤,讓我的文章更加完美。
As a senior, I was very underprepared for the college application process. I had no idea what I was supposed to do and what things I had to prepare. My parents and I first contacted John around August, before my senior year. He helped me develop a college list quickly and allowed me to figure out what major I wanted to pursue. After developing a college list, he helped me with my Personal Statement and supplements for each college, along with his son, who helped correct grammatical errors and perfected the essays. Through this college application process, I can easily say that John was an awesome counselor. He helped me with every part of the college application process, and now, I am a Longhorn, and I will be going to the University of Texas at Austin. I am very grateful for all the help John provided me through this process.
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